Curriculum Pre K-8 |
FUTUREKIDS Pre-K through 8 technology curriculum incorporates hundreds of learning objectives, as identified in a scope and sequence database, relating to the following ten technology areas: |
Applied technology |
Databases |
Desktop publishing |
Graphics |
Multimedia |
Operating systems |
Programming |
Spreadsheets |
Telecommunications |
Wordprocessing |
Curriculum Design |
All lesson plans are developmentally appropriate and feature diagnostic tools and rubrics designed to assess each student's progress. Curricular units also feature content that promotes the development of analytical thinking skills through discovery learning. Academic themes addressed include language arts, mathematics, science and social studies. |
Educational Methodology |
The effectiveness of FUTUREKIDS curriculum is enhanced by an educational methodology that revolves around hands-on instruction. The goal is to teach computer mastery by introducing students to skills and providing them with opportunities to practice and apply these skills in meaningful and relevant activity-based projects. |
Each year, FUTUREKIDS provides schools with a new technology curriculum for implementation in a computer lab. The following are examples of projects featured in various curricula written by FUTUREKIDS trained staff of instructional designers. |
A full year curriculum of 7-week units dealing with the ten areas of technology instruction described above. Sample projects include students learning wordprocessing skills while documenting mankind's most amazing technological innovations; learning databases while discovering fascinating archaeological artifacts; and learning spreadsheet technology while monitoring the population growth of endangered species. |
Includes projects in all ten technology areas such as students learning desktop publishing skills while revamping an out-of-date technology magazine; learning multimedia skills by creating a multimedia kiosk highlighting corporate achievements; and learning graphics skills by creating dazzling weather maps for the weather network. |
Again, 7 week themed units comprising a full school year including projects like students learning spreadsheets while comparing and contrasting world currencies; learning graphics skills by designing a set of visual icons for the next World's Fair; and learning multimedia skills by creating a self-running presentation depicting life for children in the closing years of the 20th century. |
All three curriculum themes also feature activities that teach skills relating to applied technology, operating environments, programming and telecommunications. FUTUREKIDS curriculum is currently translated into over a dozen languages and is taught in over 70 countries. |
Mind Lab |
The Mind Lab method has been adopted by thousands of educational institutions worldwide. This has been largely due to the Mind Lab's exceptional training program and its broad range of innovative products, which have benefited schools, community centers, educators, children and families. |
To learn more about Mind Lab Click Here >>> |